As It Happens

Inspiration.Design.Music.Lifestyle [as per See]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

R.I.P the King of Pop


Well i must all didn't sink in until now I mean I knew when I first heard the news on June 25th, 2009 that something terribly wrong has happened in the world, but I mean I felt it today I saw the pain on the left behind family and the world for that matter. Michael Jackson has touched so many people with the universal language of music.He has in his years here on this earth defined what entertainers wanted to be and sang songs the way people til this very day wish they could emulate.I mean no entertainer on this planet has truly created such a strong impact musically to date i mean you have alot of famous artists but damn it you don't have artists that have songs like Rock with You,Billie Jean,PYT,or Off the Wall that make people of all generations and ages share a common party tune that will have them all parting as if they were all peers. Alot of folks speak about his wrongs but if you stop for one moment and think about who really bridged alot of gaps and tore down barriers without having to run for office or sell you a dream of lowering taxes you have to give credit where it is due and admit that there has and most likely never will be another child entertainer to sing pain as if it was his own. Their will never be another artist whole will make you tune into channel 7 (us here in NY) or MTV to see one of his historical and trendsetting new music videos ie: Remember the Time, Jam,Black or White,Thriller...i could go on for days. Such an immaculate entertainer will truly be missed.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

D.O.A Video

Nuff Said!.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009



Damn it i must say i haven't been to a great party in a long time but damn it you all have to go to Dam Funk Party! It is amazing!
Dude plays some of the funkiest cut ever! He just realease a new single EP on stonesthrow you folks need to check him out and look for his next club date it is most def well worth the time!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

R.I.P David Carradine :(



Rest in peace to David Carradine who died at the age of 72...most of the younger generation knew him as "Bill" in the Kill Bill series...Older folks knew him from Kung Fu...either way it sucks to see a good actor go. Not much details are known officials say it is a suicide and as of late they are now saying he might have been murdered but it truly sucks either way.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Passion Pit "The Reeling"

Passion Pit - The Reeling from phantomcolor on Vimeo.

This video and song go hand and hand.Nice work to all those involved.

New Mighty Mos!

Mos Def - "Casa Bey" from Downtown Music on Vimeo.

Dope new vid from Mos Def "Casa Bey" off of the ecstatic album set for release on June 9th.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Empire of the Sun "Walking On A Dream" video Maleonn inspired in my opinion.

Empire Of Sun - Walking On A Dream from Music on Vimeo.

So I got turned on to this group from Australia called Empire of the Sun from my random Itunes wandering.I find that the song sticks in my head for awhile and then i realize i am playing it while i design and etc.So I finally see the video which is i mean this group by the way has a bugged out album cover really star wars and famtasy novel/space orb feel (which is why i gave it a try in the first place! lol). So I am watching the video and it is full of surrealism and i am looking and i go to myself "Maleonn!" now if you dont know of Maleonn he is one of my favorite photographer/designers and his work is full of surrealism that i know this video was inspired by. "How do i know this" you ask yourself? well the video was filmed in Shanghai and Maleonn whom is one of the illest is from where!? yes thats right folks Shanghai which has the most surrealism naturally within its habitat Maleonn exposes this within his work all the time.If you dont believe me just check it out for yourself all the vivid colors,exquisite composition, and irony.




Now i want you guys to look at the end of the video and look at the composition and the surrealism of the last frame and you will see what i saw.

London motion collective Mainframe presents "Rehab"

Rehab Rowetta (720p) from Arvid Niklasson on Vimeo.

Rehab Les (720p) from Arvid Niklasson on Vimeo.

Rehab Cassie (720p) from Arvid Niklasson on Vimeo.

Rehab Alicia (720p) from Arvid Niklasson on Vimeo.

Amazing...London motion collective mainframe creates a group of visually stunning trailers for the Living TV production "Rehab". Programs used Maya and 3ds Max. Wow just look at the shards! and i wonder how come we don't have these type pf trailers on television? Check them out at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mayer Hawthorne "Just Ain't Gonna Work Out"/" I Wish It Would Rain"

Mayer Hawthorne - Just Ain't Gonna Work Out from Stones Throw on Vimeo.

Mayer Hawthorne - I Wish It Would Rain from Stones Throw on Vimeo.

For those who haven't heard of him yet Mayer Hawthorn is amazing. Dude has a real "Motown" vibe i figure i had to put two videos here because people need to hear this dude. Stonethrow has done it again.I love the "I Wish It Would Rain" track it is sooo retro done right (well most of his music is). But the song gives me a Stylistics feel everytime i hear it i played this song like a good 5-6 times like..."damn,Mayer I feel your pain man..."

Friendly Fires "Skeleton Boy"

Friendly Fires 'Skeleton Boy' by Clemens Habicht from Nexus Productions on Vimeo.

Well aside from the song being cool as hell. The video is even cooler! Directed by Clemens Habicht polystyrene balls cling to the band members creating a skeleton effect accenting their movement. Dope! Simply genius.